April, 2024


1h 50m

This area felt like it housed a longer more complicated puzzle that the developers chose to cut out for time. That, or the best they could come up with was: 'pick up thing and put thing in the thing'.

I liked Red XIII's wall-climbing mechanic, but like all the other unique traversal mechanics, I wish they had more application beyond the area they get introduced. Perhaps in part 3, where Cloud becomes less the central leader we can see areas that incorporate a multitude of different character actions. Barret needs to quit complaining every time I scale a wall though.

Once again I praise the OST for being absolutely fantastic, the didgeridoo player didn't need to go THAT hard. The ambience of the environment was also superb...if not for the conspicuously out-of-place vending machines. Whoever installs those deserves a raise for their commitment.